2313931 菲尼克斯_Phoenix Contact 网络隔离器
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品牌 菲尼克斯_Phoenix Contact
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Phoneix Contact 的 DIN 导轨安装 FL 隔离器网络隔离器用于工业以太网中的电气隔离。该设备可保护以太网端接设备和接口,防止电位差异和高达 4 kV 的补偿电流。FL 隔离器是一种无源设备,直接安装在要保护的网络设备的上游,无需电源。


•介电强度高达 4 kV
•传输速度高达 1000 Mbps
•经 EN 50155 和 EN 50121 认证,可用于铁路应用 (滚动库存)
•扩展温度范围 -25°C 至 +85°C
• DIN 导轨安装


FL 隔离器配有两个 RJ45 格式的前侧以太网接口,用于连接双绞线电缆。要使设备正常工作,您为传入和传出线路分配的端口无关紧要。

Phoenix Contact Ethernet Network Isolator - FL ISOLATOR 100-RJ/RJ - 2313931

Use this network isolator from Phoenix Contact to separate electrical circuits in your industrial ethernet network. It protects ethernet devices from potential voltage differences of up to 4 kV.
The passive isolator doesn't need power to operate and can be installed directly upstream from the network device it's protecting. It has two interchangeable ports that accept either incoming or outgoing lines. Transmission speeds are fast and consistent at 100 megabits per second. The component's cables are isolated to protect against electrical hazards, and it can function in temperatures ranging from -25°C to +85°C.
Because it has a polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) coating, this isolator is a durable choice that can stand up to challenging environmental conditions. It's a good choice for circuit boards that are exposed to factory air contaminants. As it meets European standard EN 50155, it's approved for use in railway applications where shock and vibration are present.

• Input range of 0 to 100 Mbit/s
• Output range of 0 to 100 Mbit/s
• Frequency input signal type
• Side mounting type
• Frequency output type
